…whats he sayin’?

If you knew me, you would probably say something like- “Danny started a BLOG???” and up until now I would probably agree with you, but sometimes the situation changes.

I have experienced some things that I want other people to hear.  Most of these experiences are inside of Christianity that I want my friends and colleagues to read about.  I might ruffle some feathers, but I have to true to God first and foremost.

The message I hear in almost every church i visit is an easy-believeism, man centered message that promises that if you ask Jesus into your heart, or make him Lord and Savior of your life, or Just pray this prayer and really, really mean it, you will be saved… :(

Pretty heavy topic, huh?.  This is also super important,  if we get it wrong then that means an eternity in Hell.  UGGHHH!!!

I have talked with alot of people who THINK they are Christian, but something is wrong and I see it.  That’s why I am here, to talk about what the Bible says about true salvation as well as some other pitfalls the church seem to have fallen into.

I want you to take what I say and compare it with Scripture.  Find out if what I am saying is true, and above all, check yourself.  Jesus said that MANY would call him Lord on judgment day, and he will say, depart from me because i NEVER knew you. (matt 7:22)

Published in: on September 30, 2008 at 7:41 am  Leave a Comment